UX & Product Design webinar insights

How do you build a product worth millions of dollars?

So, on Tuesday we had an amazing webinar where we discussed the latest UX & Product Design insights that Google, Babylon, Arrival, and other great companies have shared with us this summer.

Did you miss it? No worries! Here is the link to our YouTube video with the webinar recording.

Want a sneak peek? Here are some of the highlights.


And we mean everyone! Don’t focus on just the main user group. Think of everyone who will be using and interacting with the product... how does it fit into their lives?

Let's say for example that you design buses like Arrival. Besides the passengers, there are also drivers, manufacturers, managers, and many others who interact with your product. Don't forget that!


Love your users. Don't manipulate or force them into anything that they don't need and that only the company will benefit from. This will only breakdown the trust that you have built with them.

Instead, only encourage behaviour that improves their welfare. Be transparent, make sure any action is voluntary...and provide an opportunity to opt out at any moment.


Everyone thought that Microsoft Teams was a joke in comparison to Slack. However, the target users, which are mainly large organisations, prefer security and data safety rather than stand-out designs and UX. So in the end Teams outpaced Slack.

The lesson here? Know who you are designing for. Do the research, learn what your users REALLY want and put their needs and priorities first.


Turns out over simplifying the interface may just be as bad as over complicating it. Shocking! Not everyone wants the white space and minimalism?!  

Advanced business professionals require complex interfaces that have various tools to help them get the work done. If your service is for both, average and professional users (e.g. banking), design different levels of complexity to keep everyone happy.

Enjoyed the insights? Watch the full webinar for more! Or don't — no sludging.


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